We cater for conservation & land management professionals, landowners, naturalists, students and college groups – anyone with a keen interest in the environment, the countryside and its wildlife. Our training courses are delivered by highly experienced tutors, ecologists and conservation professionals.
See what’s on offer and book your places
Many of our conservation courses are run in partnership with SELL (School of Education and Lifelong Learning, Aberystwyth University) Please see their website http://www.aber.ac.uk/en/sell/lifelong-learning/ for full details and all booking enquiries or phone 01970 621580.
For all other (non SELL) conservation courses you can book directly with us.
We now have a mailing list designed specifically for conservation professionals. If you would like to receive quarterly updates from Denmark Farm with events and opportunites sign up here.
Mailing List for Conservation Professionals
“The entomology course has helped increase my insect ID skills and given me the confidence to expand my learning. The course was excellent and full of fantastic insects. Denmark Farm is a great wildlife reserve with excellent facilities – will come again. A 100% worthwhile experience”