Conservation Centre with Eco-friendly Holidays, Campsite, Nature Trails & Courses in West Wales

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10:00 am - 4:00 pm


Bookings closed

Event Type

In this Mandala Painting workshop we focus on the sacred feminine energy, that is deeply rooted in trusting one’s intuition and heart. It is a passionate, creative, and life-giving force, that supports the deep heartfelt nurturing of all creation. Qualities that our world really needs right now! 

In celebration of International Women’s Day, on Friday 8th March 2024.

Each of us carries aspects of both sacred masculine and sacred feminine energy within our being, which in harmony together create a balanced whole.
Our shared exploration will include guided visualisation, talking circles and the resonance of sound and colour to awaken a heart-centred awareness. An awareness that we can then channel through our wise hands, into drawing and painting a mandala design.
Inspiration from Goddess myths, the natural world and our shared remembrances will all play a part in making this a beautiful and nourishing day mandala painting retreat.

Suitable for all levels of ability including beginners.

mandala paintingMandala

The sacred art practice of Mandala (Sanskrit, meaning circle or wholeness) offers a visual pathway for coming into centre, while at the same time bringing peripheral elements into a feeling of inter-connected harmony. We do this through the resonance of sacred geometry (the universal language of shapes and symbols), creative use of light, dark and colour, and engaging the limitless power of our intent.

Drawing geometry and painting mandalas invites calm reflection, prayerful attention, a place to play, process, and become a vessel for divine flow.

It’s devotional, in the sense of acknowledging the divinity within all things and how the oneness expresses through us.

The design becomes imbued with the quality of our intention and attention, resulting in a kind of visual energy map, symbolic of our inner world.

Geometry provides a framework which allows us to set our sense of ‘self’ aside as we follow new routes and ancient pathways, pausing at intersections to feel our way. Each shape is a number, each number holds specific properties, every meeting an opportunity.

You’ll learn how to create patterns using the ancient tools of compass, straight edge and pencil. Then painting with watercolour onto paper.

Facilitator & Teacher

Anne Thomas is a visual artist, teacher & holistic health coach, based near Aberystwyth in West Wales.

She creates mandala paintings and ceramic sculpture, inspired by geometry in nature and expressing a reverence for the interconnection of all life. She often includes species of wildlife native to the UK in her designs, celebrating the lives of these precious beings, calling us to notice, respect and learn from them.
Exploring healthy, harmonious ways of living has led Anne to study and practice Reiki, yoga, Ayurveda, sacred geometry, shamanic dreaming, conscious parenting and wildlife-friendly gardening. All of this profoundly informs her art and provides a background for the workshops and courses she holds.

See Anne’s Website for further information:

Fee: £65 per person


All materials are provided (watercolour paper, brushes & paints, pencils, compass and ruler etc). Please bring £5 in cash as a contribution towards material costs on the day. Alternatively if you have your own watercolour materials you are welcome to bring your own.

There will be maximum of 8 places.

Click here to read our terms and conditions of booking

You may also be interested in other creative workshops at Denmark Farm. Please see our events calendar for our full list.

For accommodation during this workshop in our self-catering Eco Lodge or shared Dormitory please do get in touch to check availability.

Mae’r holl enillion o’n digwyddiadau a gwyliau’n cael eu hailfuddsoddi’n uniongyrchol i reoli ein gwarchodfa natur 40 erw. Diolch i chi am eich cefnogaeth a chofiwch ddod i ymweld â ni’n fuan.

All proceeds from our events and holidays are ploughed directly back into managing our 40 acre nature reserve. Thank you for your support and please do come to visit soon.


Bookings are closed for this event.

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