Conservation Centre with Eco-friendly Holidays, Campsite, Nature Trails & Courses in West Wales

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Denmark Farm

June is bursting out all over

June and July are a great time of year to visit Denmark Farm, for a weekend or evening walk or a longer stay in the campsite or Eco-lodge. The meadows are putting on a fine display, full of eyebright and yellow rattle, and purple patches of  southern marsh orchid.

DSC02381Inside the meadow (eyebright)IMG_0768

    Southern marsh orchid                          Eyebright                                            Yellow rattle

Yellow iris are  flowering around the lake, and swathes of  ragged robin can be seen in one of the marshier fields. Look carefully and you’ll see common blue damselflies resting on the foliage around the lake, or lightly lifting into the air as you brush pass.


Butterflies have been late emerging this year and in lower numbers so far, but ringlet and meadow brown are now on the wing.

Our  flowering plants and grass identification courses are almost now fully booked, but we do still have places available on our butterfly course  (Wednesday 24th July) and moth course (Friday 2nd August) with expert ‘Phil the Bugman’.  Our full list of courses can be found here.

Our trails are open every day, so why not come for a walk and see the meadows for yourself. Or go for total immersion: pitch your tent in the meadow at our Eco-campsite and have butterflies, bees and the occasional hare passing your tent door.

Space is still available on the campsite throughout the summer – have a look at the description on the ‘Cool Camping’ website.

The ‘green’ sedum roof of the new Eco-lodge is also putting on a show at the moment, and is  covered in a carpet of yellow, red, and green. This low-impact, sustainable self-catering accommodation is booking up quickly, but there is still some availability for weekly bookings in July and August, and other short breaks outside the school holidays.


A stay in the Ecolodge is a perfect antidote to the busy-ness and clutter of everyday life, with its light, airy and calming interior, and meadows full of the sights and sounds of summer  right outside your door. We also now have natural play areas to keep the children entertained.


We look forward to seeing you soon!


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