Conservation Centre with Eco-friendly Holidays, Campsite, Nature Trails & Courses in West Wales

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Denmark Farm

The Winter we TWIGged on!

Late last year we received welcome news that we were successful with our application to the Welsh Government Woodland Investment Grant (TWIG). Since then we have had a very busy winter developing the site and making some essential improvements.

We were awarded a grant of over £30,000 for our TWIG ‘Woodland Access and Inclusion’ project. This has resulted in a range of new features including; path improvements, fencing, reinstating the old green lane, new seating, a woodland play area, new signage, new interpretation panels in the welcome shelter, a large woodland themed mosaic, several smaller mosaics and allowed us to purchase some useful tools and equipment.

The funding also has enabled us to bring in local experts for woodland advice, a complete tree safety survey, and to run several training courses for our volunteers covering winter tree identification and woodland management and coppicing.

All this work is completed just in time for the start of a bright new season at Denmark Farm. We are now in a better position than ever to welcome visitors to our small woodland and nature reserve and provide them with a meaningful nature experience. 

If you haven’t visited us for a while then there is no better time than now…

…If you are local you can enjoy a walk around our trails every day from dawn to dusk. There is no entrance fee but donations towards the upkeep of the nature reserve are gratefully accepted. Please put cash in the wooden donation box in the welcome shelter or you can donate online.

…If you’d like to gain some hands on conservation experience or learn more about nature friendly gardening then we have two friendly volunteering groups which you can join; Conservation Volunteers and Growing Spaces Volunteers.

…You can also attend one of over fifty courses and workshops that we run each year at Denmark Farm. Choose from natural crafts, sustainable living, conservation and ecology. See our events page for what’s coming up.

…And for those of you looking for a relaxing break in a very special little nature reserve you can book a stay at Denmark Farm self-catering Eco Lodge, Bunkhouse or Eco Campsite.

Mae’r holl enillion o’n digwyddiadau a gwyliau’n cael eu hailfuddsoddi’n uniongyrchol i reoli ein gwarchodfa natur 40 erw. Diolch i chi am eich cefnogaeth a chofiwch ddod i ymweld â ni’n fuan.

All proceeds from our events and holidays are ploughed directly back into managing our 40 acre nature reserve. Thank you for your support and please do come to visit soon.

With grateful thanks to The Welsh Government Woodland Investment Grant (TWIG) for supporting our work at Denmark Farm.

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