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Reasons to be Cheerful (part 1 – birdsong)

Despite relentless rain we can gain great hope from the gradually lengthening days and a few early snowdrops emerging from the sodden ground.

With black Friday and blue Monday now behind us it is time to shake off any glumness and find a tonic to cheer yourself up.

Pull on your wellies and go out for a walk. We all know that fresh air, exercise and getting out in nature is good for us but we still don’t do it enough. So whatever the weather this weekend spend some of it outside and learn to enjoy your wet and wonderful surroundings.

Listen to the birds. Lift your spirits immeasurably by taking just a few minutes to stand still and fill your heart and soul with the beautiful calls and songs of our garden and woodland birds. With many birds now setting up territories earlier than usual there is a symphony to enjoy even on the dullest morning.

This weekend is also the perfect opportunity to help our birds by taking part in the RSPB’s ‘Big Garden Birdwatch’ and count the wildlife that’s counting on you.

Bird populations are a great indicator of the health of the countryside. That’s why it’s so important to take part in surveys like the Big Garden Birdwatch to keep an eye on the ups and downs of the wildlife where we live. All you need to do is spend an hour over the weekend of 25-26 January counting the birds in your garden. It’s that simple! The more people involved, the more we can learn. So, grab a cuppa and together we can all help to give nature a home.

For more info and to register, please visit

If you’d like to improve your bird identification skills, there is still time to register for our Bird Identification course at Denmark Farm Conservation Centre from 11th to 13th April. Later in the month on the 29th April we will be holding a Big Birdsong Brunch . With local expert birder Ian Morris you can learn to identify the calls and songs of some of our resident birds and, with a little luck, early summer migrants such as chiffchaff, blackcap and pied flycatcher.

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