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Paper Conservation Booklets

Denmark Farm Conservation Booklets have been available and well utilised for many years. They are an excellent resource for conservation professionals, ecologists, students, landowners and anyone with an interest in conservation. 

The paper format booklets are bilingual (English and Welsh), full colour and twenty pages in length.

The new updated pdf format are in English only, full colour and between eighteen and twenty-two pages in length.

Proceeds from the sales of these booklets will be ploughed back into the management of our forty acre nature reserve at Denmark Farm.

“My role at the National Park is to visit farmers and landowners to advise on how best to manage their land for wildlife, so I always make sure I have a stock of these booklets with me to hand out. They are incredibly useful as they perfectly summarise all the salient points in a way which is very readable and attractive. Denmark Farm’s philosophy on restoring land is spot-on. I haven’t found anything as good as these anywhere else and now that they are available on-line, we’ll be recommending them even more widely.”

Julie Garlick – Conservation Officer  Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority

“These booklets provide great examples of techniques employed for habitat restoration and creation. They are an ideal resource for anyone teaching or learning about practical conservation measures.”

Dr Jan Martin – University Ecology Lecturer

Paper copies of Original Bi-lingual Conservation Booklets

Please allow up to 10 days for delivery.


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