Join us for a special day to celebrate our 30th anniversary on our Marvellous Meadows day on Saturday 1st July from 1-4pm, as part of National Meadows Day!
Come to enjoy and discover everything to do with meadows, with fun for all the family, at Denmark Farm Conservation Centre near Lampeter.
Throughout the afternoon, there will be bug hunts, pond dipping, guided walks, talks, demonstrations, crafts activities, treasure hunt, stalls, refreshments and lots more for all the family to enjoy.
Over 97% of wildflower meadows have been destroyed since the 2nd World War, equivalent to an area 1.5 times the size of Wales. Just imagine what our landscape would look like if this much woodland had been lost.
PONT will be demonstrating various ways to manage meadows, whether small or large, using traditional scythes for cutting the grass, mechanised hay cutting for larger areas and the value of ponies for grazing. There will be guided walks around the meadows at Denmark Farm to talk about their conservation and management as well as their importance as a habitat for the wildlife that lives in them.
Peter Drake will be demonstrating how to sharpen and care for scythes and other tools and Malcolm Berry will be in the Denmark Farm garden, where he will be talking about how to garden with wildlife in mind and create a mini-meadow for essential pollinators such as bees in your garden.
Lots of fun for the family can be found around Denmark Farm. Many meadows have temporary or permanent ponds providing an important habitat for frogs, toads, newts, dragonflies and many other creatures. Come and discover what lives in one of the ponds here! And of course, meadows provide a home amongst the colourful flowers and grasses for many amazing insects and other invertebrates. Beautiful butterflies make their home here, day-flying moths, bumblebees and many other insects which are so essential for pollination can all be found here. Come and join us to discover the amazing world of small, but so important, little creatures that live here.
Various talented local artists will have stalls here where you can wonder at their skills of botanical and wildlife paintings and photography with an opportunity to buy. There will also be craft activities including crochet flowers so that you can make something to take home. Not forgetting our pop up cafe for tea and home made cakes of course.
Experts will be on hand to talk about and answer questions on all things ‘meadow!’ and we hope that they will inspire you to encourage and care for the wildflowers and wildlife in your own patch back home. So, come and join us for Marvellous Meadows day! We look forward to seeing you there!
Entry by donation on arrival at the welcome shelter.
If you can’t make it and would like to support our work please make a donation to our charity The Shared Earth Trust
Additionally, on Sunday 24th September 2017 we will hold a 30th Anniversary event to celebrate all our achievements and to officially open our new Wildlife Discovery Room. For full details click here…
Postcode Local Trust is a grant-giving charity funded entirely by players ofPeople’s Postcode Lottery.
Our project received £9,971 from the Trust to help us to celebrate our 30th Anniversary.