Conservation Centre with Eco-friendly Holidays, Campsite, Nature Trails & Courses in West Wales

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Biodiversity and wildlife Wildlife Where You Live

Lakeside shelter and wildlife hide

For the last 3 weeks, a group of volunteers have braved the showers at Denmark Farm to learn green woodworking skills and help local craftsperson Jamie Miller to build this amazing shelter by the lake:

(the sweet chestnut shingles represent a bird’s feathers).

The lakeside shelter, built as part of our ‘Wildlife Where you Live’ programme, will be one of the attractions at this year’s Green Fair and Open Day on 12th June. A local artist will also be creating a wood carving by the lake, and visitors can  discover the variety of life in the lake itself with a local naturalist (our newts have proved very popular at previous Open Days!).  Other activities on offer include storytelling in the yurt, and children’s ‘Wild in the Woods’ sessions.

The Open Day runs from 11- 4 on 12th June.  Entry fee £1 adults, 50 p children. There will be stalls and activities with an environmental/ sustainability theme, and  a cafe selling locally sourced food.  Keep your eye on the blog for more details.

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