This year The Shared Earth Trust at Denmark Farm is taking part in Grow Your Tenner, an annual match funding campaign run by Localgiving.
This is an amazing opportunity for us to raise valuable funds to help maintain our unique 40 acre nature reserve.
During this campaign Localgiving will match all online donations up to £10, and monthly donations up to £10 per month for 3 months.
To donate to us or find out more about Grow Your Tenner you can visit:
Grow Your Tenner 2016 will run from 10am on Tuesday 18th October until 5pm on Monday 28th November, or until the money runs out.
The pot of match funding is already more than half empty, so time is really of essence for Denmark Farm to benefit from this campaign. With all of our grants coming to an end on the 31st December, we are badly in need of some alternative funding.
Remember, only donations made before the 17th November, or until the money runs, out will be eligible for match funding so if you can support us please do so straight away.
It will only take a few minutes of your time and need not cost you more than £10. Please also share this post via social media and all your networks to help us spread the word.
Many thanks for all your support.
On your marks, get set… Grow those Tenners!