Conservation Centre with Eco-friendly Holidays, Campsite, Nature Trails & Courses in West Wales

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Denmark Farm Sustainability Wildlife Where You Live

‘Exemplifying Environmental Sustainability’

This week we were pleased to hear that Denmark Farm Conservation Centre has been awarded a beautiful glass engraved acorn by Environment Wales.

The Environment Wales Award

As part of their 20th Anniversary celebrations Environment Wales have selected 20 diverse Environment Wales projects to showcase their project to past and present members of Environment Wales, fellow registered projects, key stakeholders and decision makers.

Denmark Farm Conservation Centre is one of these 20 projects who have received a formal presentation of the award. Michelle O’Neill, Environment Wales Representative said:

“We would like to present you with a glass acorn as a symbol of your involvement with Environment Wales as we believe that your project exemplifies our 1st objective to achieve sustainable improvements to the Welsh environment through practical projects”.

Denmark Farm and Environment Wales have enjoyed a long-standing relationship, going back to the 1990’s, with a range of projects being supported from boardwalk creation around the site to community based environmental activities. Everyone is welcome to visit Denmark Farm to have a walk round and take in all our wildlife friendly features and diverse habitats. You can also find out more about our most recent Environment Wales supported project by clicking here Wildlife Where You Live.

Malcolm Magee – Denmark Farm Co-ordinator was delighted to receive this award and said:

“Many thanks to Environment Wales for our Oak Leaf Award. No resting on laurels though! We look forward to the next 20 years of working together to help Wales ‘s wonderful natural environment and all those who benefit from it”

Denmark Farm staff with the Environment Wales award
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