During this willow weaving workshop, you will make a Zarzo basket that has been adapted from a traditional Spanish design originally used in cheese making.
You can choose from a round or square form and a selection of willow colours will be available.
This Zarzo basket workshop is suitable for all levels. All tools and equipment will be provided.
Places are limited to eight participants per event and must be booked in advance.
Click for Terms and Conditions of Booking
Workshop Fee: £40 per person
NB. There is an additional £7.50 per person for materials, to be paid in cash on the day.
You may also be interested in other creative craft workshops at Denmark Farm including; Creative Peg Loom Weaving, Discovering Fermented Foods & Drinks, Festive Rag Rug Wreaths, Inconvenience workshop and Willow Weaving ~ Round Basket. Please see our events calendar for our full list.

This event is fully booked.