Can you identify wildflowers by leaf? flower? color?
If not, or if you want to further your ID skills, then why not join us on our Introduction to Wildflower Identification workshop, where we will be looking at leaves, flowers, shape and more!
There is an amazing variety of flowers here at Denmark Farm, all ready to discover on this short wildflower identification introduction workshop.
Join our Nature Reserve Manager Ryan, as we explore the meadows, woodlands & hedgerows at Denmark Farm.
Ryan is an experienced tutor, having been running his own woodland business ‘Knight-Fox Wild About Learning’ since 2017. He is an Ecologist, teacher of Wildlife Identification & Tracking, Ethnobotanist, Bushcraft Instructor, Social Forester, Forest School Leader and Coastal School Leader.
The course is suitable for anyone aged 16 or over.
We will also be running workshops on Identifying Trees in Winter, Identifying Trees is Summer and an Identifying Trees in Autumn.
Please bring a packed lunch. Tea & coffee will be provided. Please also bring suitable clothing and footwear for the outdoors as we’ll be wondering around the nature reserve.
Price: £25, or FREE to Shared Earth Trust members and regular volunteers. Why not become a member or enquire about volunteering.
Click for Terms and Conditions of Booking
You may also be interested in other workshops at Denmark Farm. Please see our events calendar for our full list.
Bookings are closed for this event.