Essential skills course contextualised into a Stool making workshop.
Tutor: Kelly Cutler
A great day to learn some of the basics of green wood working whilst improving your communication skills! Once you have learnt to split the log you will make mortices and tenons, shape the seat and create the legs using a shave horse. Then sit back and enjoy your handy work!
During the day you will be working through the Essential skills engage in discussion unit. These discussions will be focused on topics surrounding green woodworking and the practical skills that you have learnt throughout the day.
This course is free for those who are employed or self employed and live in the Ceredigion or Carmarthenshire areas. It is funded through the Regional Essential Skills project. It will lead to an Essential skills Wales communication certificate.
If you do not fit the above criteria then please still contact us as another course may be run.
Booking is essential. Please contact Hannah Cutler 07921390981