Conservation Centre with Eco-friendly Holidays, Campsite, Nature Trails & Courses in West Wales

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Traditional Soil and Stone Banking – FULLY BOOKED!

Traditional Soil and Stone Banking - FULLY BOOKED!


01/09/2018 - 02/09/2018    
10:00 am - 4:00 pm


Bookings closed

Event Type

An opportunity to spend two days developing your Soil and Stone Banking skills, with expert countryside craftsman Peter Drake.








The old green lane at Denmark Farm has some sections of Cardiganshire style Soil and Stone Banking, never completed when the lane was renovated 15 years ago.

We will be re-using stone from the old sheds to complete this project. The principle aim is to give you as much ‘hands-on’ experience as possible. You will be learning about laying footings, dressing stone, laying stones and back-filling to retain an existing bank.

Tools and gloves will be provided. You will be using lump hammers, pitching chisels and cold chisels.

Tutor: Peter Drake

Peter has a long history of teaching and helping to develop Denmark Farm. His hedge-laying and stone walling skills are hard to match within the county and West Wales.

We have a tradition of building living stone walls going back to Neolithic ages and this is a skill which we need to keep alive. Stone faced walls or banks consist of an earth bank, faced with the local stone, often collected from the fields they enclose.

The main purpose of the course is to equip you with the knowledge and confidence to build a stone faced structure. The soil and stone banking technique can be replicated in your garden and provides a great habitat for wildlife, particularly mason bees and newts.

Please come dressed for cold and wet weather and bring a packed lunch. Hot drinks and biscuits will be available.


Unwaged/low-waged participants: £60 for 2 days or if places permit £35 per day

Waged participants: £75 for 2 days or if places permit £40 per day

Maximum places for eight participants. Priority places will be allocated to participants who can attend both days.

If you require accommodation during this course you can stay in the Self-Catering Eco Lodge at Denmark Farm from £35 per night (min 2 nights), our shared dormitory – £20 per night or Eco Campsite – £10 per night.

You may also be interested in some of our other traditional skills workshops: Roundwood Timber Framing, Willow Basket Weaving and Leathercraft. See our events list for more choice.


This event is fully booked.

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