Conservation Centre with Eco-friendly Holidays, Campsite, Nature Trails & Courses in West Wales

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Photographing Your Products (CiDS)


10:00 am - 5:00 pm

Event Type

Course Dates: This is a 4 day course covering the following dates,  3rd, 10th, 17th & 24th July. 9am-5pm

New Free Course brought to Denmark Farm by CIDS (Creative Industries Development Scheme).

So you’ve got a camera and want to use photography as part of your business – but don’t really have the know-how. Your expensive camera is still sitting in its original box under your desk. Or whenever you use it you just point and press wondering why the image isn’t particularly appealing. Well, now is the time to use that camera correctly and start making it pay for itself! By attending our four day Product Photography course, those barriers of F-stops, ISO and depth of field will be broken down while you explore simple explanations through to creating exciting compositions.

You’ll also learn how to create simple, clear, concise and striking product images for websites and publications to help you extend your business marketing profile in an affordable way. Starting from the basics of photography then leading on to making your own very simple studio set up, you’ll be taken on a route which removes the mystery from product photography. Perfect for those businesses that have products to sell. All you need to attend this course is a simple Digital SLR Camera, your products, and three unrelated objects of similar size that will sit on a table top.

These courses are for freelancers and small business employees who live in convergence areas of Wales – if you meet this application criteria, they are completely free! Each course is worth 10 University credits, taught by an industry professional and is short so it fits around the demands of your business.

For more information, or to book onto a CiDS course, please contact:

Lisa Derrick – Project Development Coordinator – / 01443 668559

CIDS (Creative Industries Development Scheme) is part of the Work Based Learning Programme, funded by the EU’s Convergence European Social Fund through the Welsh Government.

The Creative Industries Development Scheme is offered in partnership with the University of South Wales and the Creative & Cultural Skills Council Wales.





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