Are you inspired to learn how to draw and paint the natural world that you see around you? Nature is always a rich source of challenging and beautiful things to illustrate.
In 2023 we welcome Claire Ward back to Denmark Farm for a series of three one-day Natural History Illustration workshops, as an introduction into observing and recording nature’s details in pencils, pen and watercolours, through the seasons.
Claire will guide you through the process of sketching out the outlines and then using watercolour to illustrate the subject. She will demonstrate different techniques and provide lots of tips to improve finished paintings. If the weather is good some time can be spent drawing and painting in the field, then specimens brought back indoors to complete the work.
The three workshops are:
Sat. 1st July – Studying the Wildflowers in the Meadows (including some orchids hopefully!)
Sat. 9th September – Discovering the Diversity of Seedheads.
Sat. 14th October – Painting the wonderful world of Fungi
Facilitator & Teacher:
Claire K Ward is a botanical and nature artist based in West Wales. After studying botany and field ecology and exploring watercolour and oil painting, Claire came to combine the two passions together, in the field of botanical and nature illustration.
“Capturing the beauty of nature; the translucence of a petal or the iridescence on an insects wing, is my ultimate aim, to bring it into focus. I feel nature is becoming more over-looked in our busy, modern lives, it feels unimportant.”
In 2007 Claire completed the diploma in botanical illustration with distinction from the Society of Botanical Artists and then became a full member in 2010. She is now a tutor on the SBA diploma course for the ‘working in the field’ assignment as well as teaching natural history illustration and other modules for Aberystwyth school of Lifelong Learning.
Claire received a certificate of Botanical Merit at the SBA exhibition – ‘Plantae’ at the Mall Galleries in 2019 and then another one at ‘Plantae 2022’. She was honoured to become a co-President of the SBA in 2021.
Materials (please bring the following with you):
- Sketchbook with smooth paper & hardcover, size A4 or A3, your preference (Seawhites of Brighton are a good make)
- 2H, HB, B & 2B graphite pencils & sharpener (FaberCastell 9000 or Caran D’ache or Derwent are quality makes)
- Feel free to bring any other dry media that you like (charcoal or pen)
- Erasers (plastic &/or putty)
- Hot press watercolour paper pad –weight 140lb (Moulin Du Roy or Bockingford are quality makes). You can try sample packs of hotpress and coldpress papers from different art companies online (like www.jacksonsart.com), to find a paper that you like working with.
- Range of watercolour paints (Winsor Newton & Daler Rowney are quality makes) But bring what you have.
Recommended colours are:
Cerulean blue or Winsor blue (green shade)
French Ultramarine or Ultramarine Finest by Schmincke
Winsor lemon
Transparent yellow or New Gamboge
Scarlet Lake or (Vermillion hue by Daler Rowney)
Permanent rose or Quinacridone magenta (Pr122)
Raw Umber
Burnt sienna
Light red – PR102 - Paint brushes – Any good quality sable watercolour brush with a good point, sizes 0 & 2 would be fine to start off with. You can order online from a good company called rosemaryandco.com Good ones are series 33.
- Palette for paints
- Magnifying glass. If you have a hand-lens (x10) bring it along aswell
- Plastic ruler
Suitable for all levels of ability.
Fee: £60 per person per workshop / £150 if you book all three Natural History Illustration 2023 workshops
There will be maximum of 8 places.
Click here to read our terms and conditions of booking
Claire is also teaching an Aberystwyth Univeristy Lifelong Learning blended learning Natural History Illustration ~ Mosses, Liverworts & Lichens course in May and June, with a face to face weekend on the 10th and 11th June 2023. Click here for more details.
You may also be interested in other creative workshops at Denmark Farm. Please see our events calendar for our full list.
Mae’r holl enillion o’n digwyddiadau a gwyliau’n cael eu hailfuddsoddi’n uniongyrchol i reoli ein gwarchodfa natur 40 erw. Diolch i chi am eich cefnogaeth a chofiwch ddod i ymweld â ni’n fuan.
All proceeds from our events and holidays are ploughed directly back into managing our 40 acre nature reserve. Thank you for your support and please do come to visit soon.
This event is fully booked.