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Identifying Mosses, Liverworts and Lichens (SELL)


03/10/2014 - 05/10/2014    
10:00 am - 5:00 pm


Denmark Farm Conservation Centre
Denmark Farm, Lampeter, Ceredigion, SA48 8PB, Wales

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A fascinating and valuable skill for professional ecologists and anyone who likes a challenge!


Margaret Howells 

Mosses, liverworts and lichens make up an important but often a neglected component of many habitats and are particularly abundant in the clean and moist air of west Wales. Identification usually requires a hand lens and a microscope is sometimes required. Guidance on the use of ‘keys’ to identify specimens will be given and with confidence and familiarity the recognition of field characters will start to become easier. There will be plenty of specimens to identify and excursions into the habitats at Denmark Farm, enabling you to develop good basic identification skills and build up a small reference collection of common species.

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