Learn the fundamentals and develop the skills to use a flora confidently.
Tutor: Margaret Howells
Green leaves that all look the same and no pretty flowers so difficult to identify! Learn the fundamentals of grass, sedge and rush identification, essential and valuable skills for any field and conservation ecologists. Emphasis will be on practical skills with identification taking place mainly in the laboratory, where there is the time and equipment to fully examine specimens. A range of common species, both flowering and non-flowering, from local habitats will be used. Students should become familiar with a good range of common species relating these species to their preferred habitat and be able to identify these species in the field, producing a portfolio of specimens and a small voucher collection. A valuable course for professional development.
Fee: £100 (£80 concessions)
Please go to Aberystwyth University Lifelong Learning / learning@aber.ac.uk / 01970 621580 for all enquiries and bookings.
Please enquire about the fee waiver scheme which applies to all SELL Courses. If you have no first degree, reside in Wales and are in receipt of certain state benefits, you may be able to get your course fees subsidised.
Self catering Eco Lodge, shared dormitories and eco-camping are all available at Denmark Farm.
Photo: Ross Hoddinott / 2020Vision