Ideal for professional development and anyone simply fascinated by plants and ecology.
Tutor: Margaret Howells
Examine specimens and become familiar with the huge variety of flower and leaf forms and the equally huge and often confusing terminology used in the wild flower books and `keys’. You will be given the confidence to use a `flora’ and `keys’ and identify unknown flowering plant species on your own. Emphasis will be on practical skills, with examination and identification taking place mainly in the laboratory but with excursions around the venue to put new found knowledge to the test! This is an excellent background for anyone interested in both wild and garden plants. Come and enjoy!
Fee: £90 (£80 if you book early**)
Please go to for all enquiries and bookings.
Please enquire about the fee waiver scheme which applies to all SELL Courses. If you have no first degree, reside in Wales and are in receipt of certain state benefits, you may be able to get your course fees subsidised.