Conservation Centre with Eco-friendly Holidays, Campsite, Nature Trails & Courses in West Wales

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Ecology 1 – Fully Booked!


14/09/2018 - 16/09/2018    
10:00 am - 5:00 pm

Event Type

A Lifelong Learning Aberystwyth Course

Find out about the relationships between living things, their surroundings and us!

Ever wondered why some plants won’t grow in your garden and why the ‘weeds’ (and slugs) thrive? Ecology explains the patterns we see in the natural world and the ways in which people have changed them.

If you are interested in any aspect of natural history then you should be interested in ecology! It’s all about relationships between living things (from flowers to fungi to fluffy or feathery animals) with their surroundings and with us humans. So come and find out! You can’t be truly ‘green’ unless you know something about ecology! This is an essential core topic for any field or conservation ecologist.


Tutor: Sarah Watson-Jones

Fees: £120 full price (£20 concession and £20 early bird discount available). 

Please enquire about the fee waiver scheme which applies to all Lifelong Learning Aberystwyth Courses. If you have no first degree, reside in Wales and are in receipt of certain state benefits, you may be able to get your course fees subsidised, or paid for you.

Please go to for all bookings.


Phone: 01970 621580


Self catering Eco Lodge, shared dormitories and eco-camping are all available at Denmark Farm. Please book your place first with Lifelong Learning Aberystwyth and then contact us about your accommodation needs.

You maybe interested in other conservation, species ID and natural crafts courses at Denmark Farm. See our full events page.

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