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Free – Early Spring Birdsong Walk

Free - Early Spring Birdsong Walk


9:30 am - 11:30 am

Event Type

Come and join us for a Free Early Spring Birdsong Walk around Denmark Farm Conservation Centre, as part of our Gwaith Dros Natur – your time for nature project.

The walk starts in the car park at 09:30 am and should last for no more than two hours. There is no charge for parking, but any donations would be gratefully received.  

This gentle walk will involve the opportunity to learn & familiarise yourself with resident birdsong and  calls. At this time of the year we should hear Robins, Thrushes, Blue Tits and Great Tits actively singing and defending their territories. It is a great time of the year to experience Woodpeckers drumming and Nuthatches being very vocal. There may also be some winter migrants still present to see and hear.

Experience Denmark Farm’s extremely rich biodiversity & varied habitats, & learn about managing land for wildlife & conservation.

The walk is approximately 1 mile in length, and would be classed as easy.  Only the first part of the walk is accessible to those with mobility issues, as the walk goes on to slopping uneven areas. No dogs please as they will disturb the birds.

1521619_10152208628958033_124386128_nrepeat visits dec05 016Robin birdsongWalk Leader: Ian Morris, is a local experienced birdwatcher who has been monitoring the birds at Denmark Farm and is now actively supporting our sponsor a bird box project

Fee: Free, but please let us know if you plan to attend. 

You may also be interested in other FREE activities at Denmark Farm this spring.






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