Conservation Centre with Eco-friendly Holidays, Campsite, Nature Trails & Courses in West Wales

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New Conservation Project: Holistic Habitats

With special thanks to Wales Council for Voluntary Action (WCVA) we are delighted to announce a new conservation project, set to run at Denmark Farm during the first half of 2016.

conservation project volunteersOur project ‘Holistic Habitats’ aims to engage volunteers at Denmark Farm through an ongoing programme of new conservation opportunities. The project will offer informal training and support for volunteers in the skills needed to deliver their roles whist concentrating on conservation and environmental issues.  Activities carried out by volunteers will have a lasting impact and benefit to Denmark Farm for visitor access, enjoyment and improved biodiversity. All volunteer activity will be concentrated around the 40 acre Denmark Farm site.

GDN Amphibian day 18th June 2014Our Volunteer Engagement & Biodiversity Officer will be responsible for, recruiting volunteers, delivering informal training and supporting the volunteers. Volunteers will also have input to the conservation management plan and help re-establish a wildlife monitoring programme. Dates of volunteer days and other events will be listed on our Volunteer Conservation Activities Page.

We will develop a new Members Forum which our paying Supporters will be invited to join, as an acknowledgement of their contributions, and an opportunity to contribute to the ongoing strategy for the site.

Volunteers will be offered the opportunity to engage fully and deliver a programme of site maintenance and conservation tasks. These include:

  • Bug hotel fillingTrail maintenance, including keeping paths clear of vegetation and improving drainage, ensuring access for all where available.
  • Habitat maintenance, including removal of encroaching vegetation.
  • Woodland management for conservation; coppicing, felling small trees and creating habitat piles.
  • Processing harvested wood from site for firewood and coppice products.
  • Willow harvesting, managing our short-rotation willow beds and processing rods into cut bundles for basket weaving, biomass fuel and fascines.
  • Maintaining the wildlife garden.
  • Establish hand-cutting programme for smaller areas of hay meadow, using scything in groups. Includes formal training opportunities.
  • Wildlife monitoring and citizen science surveys.

ornamental gardening

Following feedback from visitors and volunteers, a new feature for Denmark Farm will be the creation of a 130m² Kitchen Garden growing area. This demonstration site will offer regular training sessions for volunteers in an Introduction to Food Growing delivered by an experienced tutor.

Overall, this project will enable us to support a well-managed, volunteer team who will learn new skills, make new friends, lead healthier lifestyles and make a positive difference to their environment. Volunteers will help the site realise its full potential whilst raising awareness about the importance of biodiversity.

There will be new opportunities for volunteers to engage with and take responsibility for a long term structured Biodiversity Recording programme resulting in real benefits to the community and wildlife.

Click here to read our May Update with all our achievements and future plans

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or if you prefer you can phone us on 01570 493358

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