Conservation Centre with Eco-friendly Holidays, Campsite, Nature Trails & Courses in West Wales

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Denmark Farm

Last Word on Cob


Well, we have reached the end of the road for our earth oven campaign, but it’s probably more accurate to see this as a new beginning – the start of many fun sessions of community cob cooking. The timber frame shelter was completed by Ty Pren, using larch wood from Lampeter woodlands, the plinth was built by volunteers using stone sourced from across our site, recycled from the old pig sty and sheds. Finally, the beautiful cob oven build was completed over this last weekend, using local clay and with the help of local volunteers and support from Federation of City Farms and Community Gardens. Once built, the oven was fired to harden the clay and of course all that good heat couldn’t go to waste so our first batch of pizzas were enjoyed.

We couldn’t have achieved this without the fantastic support we had from our many donors during our crowdfunding campaign. Everyone who donated to the campaign was entered into a prize draw and we can now announce the prize winners: Malorie Saad took the 1st Prize of 7 nights for 4 people in our Eco Lodge, Christine Charlesworth won 2nd Prize of 3 nights for 2 people in our Eco Lodge, Sue Dean took 3rd Prize of a year’s membership of Shared Earth Trust, lastly Lesley Stevens and Gillie Perkins won the 4th & 5th Prizes of a £25 voucher each for our course programmes. Congratulations to all our winners!

IMG_6119Matthew Lloyd from The Fabulous Cob Oven Co. was on hand to lead the oven build and pass his expert skills onto the volunteers. Matthew had such a positive experience with the cob oven build here that he has proposed to construct a second earth oven for our eco-campsite later in the year. This will be run as a course open to all on 23rd-24th Sept. So if you missed out on cob oven building this time around, here’s another chance to get involved. Follow this link to find out more. 

September 2015 Two day Cob Oven Course

You can see a gallery of pictures of the whole build process on our facebook page by clicking here.

The Grand Opening of the cob oven will be at our Open Day on Saturday 20th June (11am-4pm). Come and enjoy wood-fired pizza along with all the other great activities that we’ll be hosting such as guided tours, forest school, local produce stalls, café and lots more. So why not come and join us in celebration. All are welcome with entry costing just £5 per adult and £2.50 per child. We hope to see you there.

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